Living in backpackers is a great way to meet interesting people. Interesting because of their countries of origins, interesting because of their holiday plans – past, present and future, interesting because of their smell (more about this in later blogs) and interesting because of their jobs – past present and future.
Staying at Hotel Hütteldorf in Vienna Austria I shared with an Austrian male who was currently unemployed and homeless – and yes unfortunately the later is as a result of the former condition.
He was travelling throughout Europe searching for gainful employment in his field of speciality.
Cemetery design. In his words “he brings energy to the holes”. Ignoring the obvious and disturbing connections to German defecation porn or the more disturbing possibility of necrophilia I think it means he designed crypts and mausoleums.
I was surprised he was unemployed as despite all of the advances in medical science and downturns in economies people continue to die. In Europe where there are so many people squashed into every decreasing amount of spaces I would have thought the need for effective and space efficient disposal of corpses would be at a premium.
Apparently the global financial crisis means that although the people are still dying leaving their relatives in need for appropriate holes, they can no longer afford holes that are energetic.
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