Monday, April 18, 2011

5th Show - "Freakuent Flyer"

Take #1 - Again I said "I will count to 3"

Take #2 - not sure they are any more organised

A great audience for the fifth show including the Clint the guide dog puppy. Lots of laughs and people willing to join in. Weirdly the heckles came after the show as they were leaving. Still got the last word - and some extra laughs. I really appreciated the second round of applause by a group of the audience as they passed me in the corridor as they were on the way out.

You have heard the rumours and Tuesday night will be your last chance to see Freakuent Flyer. Tickets still available through TicketMaster and at the door. Artists get in free with your participant pass.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Freakuent Flyer - Hump Day

Night four of seven. Great size audience. Performing at Hotel Discovery (backpacker) tonight was the first night we managed to get any of the backpackers to attend the show - great work Tamm. There were also a number of walk ups which is exciting - thanks to previous audiences for their positive word-of-mouth. A big shout out to the two Asian backpackers for your excited participation in the photo.

Audiences are growing with Sunday being a sell out! To see what the buzz is about get tickets to Saturday or Tuesday shows.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Night 3 - Freakuent Flyer

Take #1 - Muriel was not ready

Take #2 - so much better as Muriel had got herself organised!

A small but great spirited audience. Had the chance to meet them all by name. Definitely in the mood for a good laugh. A small audience means there is a lot of chance for extra material - like DVD extras (if only I was filming a DVD)
Only a few tickets left for Friday night show. Sunday SOLD OUT. Still tickets available for Saturday and Tuesday show.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Freakuent Flyer (Melbourne International Comedy Festival) - Show #2

22 people in the audience tonight and they all appeared to enjoy themselves. Still laughing in all of the right places. I only lost track of where I was up to once but again James-the-Sound-Guy kept me on track. Explored some improvised material that went down well...special thanks to the Australian armed forces for their inspiration.

Thanks to audience members took the time to speak to me/shake my hand after the show, I am thankful you came along and relieved you were amused by my stories and songs

Still tickets available for the next couple of shows. Other artists are free with their participant passes

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First show - Freakuent Flyer

The first show is done and dusted, I lost track of where I was up to but thanks to James-the-Sound-Guy it all came together beautifully. A small but appreciative audience. Check out the tour photo.
Remembered all of the words and tunes to all of the songs.

Seats are still available so hope to see you there